The N….. word controversy.

What do the candidates say


GPL Tiberiu Rosu


The GPL condemns Ron Jans for saying the N-word as it was a grave mistake. He didn’T use it directly against someone as he sung it in a song, however that does not matter as the word still carries the same meaning. He made the mistake in the past of making an inappropriate remark about slavery during a team visit to memorials in Washington D.C.. He made the right choice to quit as it shows he has taken responsibility for his actions. He should not be prosecuted, because he is already punished enough.



















The N….. word controversy.

What do the candidates have to say?

Our party believes that it has been a good thing that Ron Jans has left as a coach. He had already received a warning for making an inappropriate remark about slavery during a trip with the football team and he clearly didn’t take that into account while singing along with the song. 

It has been Ron Jans his second time that he has made an insult, so we believe it is more than appropriate that Ron Jans has stopped coaching FC Cincinnati.


Ron Jans sang along with a song. 

We are aware that the n-word is very sensitive in our society. The word itself is a form of racism. Therefore we do definitely not support the use of this word or any type of discrimination.

However, it did come to our attention that Ron Jans sang along with a song. This does not justify his use of the n-word but it does make it more understandable. As a coach of an American soccer team featuring players of several nationalities, Ron Jans should have known that the use of the n-word is unacceptable. We believe Ron Jans when he says he did not intend any harm, but he still should have known better.

Therefore we understand the reason why he was fired and this incident is a good example of how sensitive this topic is. 


“I really want to thank everyone at FC Cincinnati,” said the 61-year-old. “I had a really great time in Cincinnati and with the club, with the staff, players, owners and fans. Especially the fans. I’m really sorry our story ends like this. But even if I were to return, there would be too much damage done to be able to move forward successfully. I want to wish the club good luck in the continued building of FC Cincinnati to the next stage.” — Ron Jans

“We place the utmost importance on a strong culture within our club, beginning in our locker room, and that every person connected with FC Cincinnati feels valued, respected and trusted. Racial and cultural diversity is a major part of what makes the game of soccer so special, and we place the highest priority on respecting every person involved in our game. This includes absolutely everyone associated with our club, from our locker room and front office, all the way through to our fans.”  — Jeff Berding

Ron Jans allegedly said the n-word while singing along to a song in the locker room of FC Cincinnati and later made inappropriate comments about slavery when the team brought a visit to memorials in Washington DC. After Jans said the n-word, a player explained to him why he shouldn’t have said that. This didn’t stop him from making the inappropriate remark. This doesn’t fit in our society, where we want to make sure everyone is safe and accepted. We believe it was for the best to let Ron Jans go and for that applaud FC Cincinnati. Things like this are much more sensitive in the USA than here in the Netherlands. Slavery has been a huge thing in the USA for way longer than here and segregation was still happening in the last century. This causes people to be more sensitive and they are in their full right with being sensitive. We need to do everything in our power to make sure these people will feel safe and accepted.

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